Saturday, April 28, 2018

#Perth teen hit by train went to school ball 24 hours after accident

Paramedics treat Aung Su after he was hit.THE Perth teenager who survived being hit by a train has made a remarkable recovery even attending his school ball.

Aung Su was on his way to get a hair cut when he walked around the boom gates and across the tracks at Kenwick train station just before 4pm on Thursday.

It was as he crossed the tracks he was struck by a four-carriage train.

Miraculously, he only sustained minor injuries – a broken collar bone and some cuts to the face.

Doctors said the teen was very lucky to have survived.

“I think I was hit right there,” the 17-year-old recalls pointing to the spot where the 180-tonne train knocked him to the ground.

“Yeah I thought I’d be dead, the moment I woke up in the middle of the tracks.

via Perth teen hit by train went to school ball 24 hours after accident | PerthNow

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