Monday, September 4, 2017

N Korea: Kim could unleash hell in minutes. 4 minutes to react to a nuclear attack

NORTH Korea’s escalation of its nuclear arms race would mean just a four-minute buffer between the rogue state’s unhinged dictator hitting the launch button and the complete obliteration of Tokyo.

South Korea last night warned its long-time enemy could even be preparing another intercontinental missile launch as an international relations expert said if dictator Kim Jong-un followed through on his threats, at most US President Donald Trump would have just minutes to decide how to respond.

The United Nations Security Council scrambled into its second emergency session in the space of a week yesterday following the hermit nation’s claims to have successfully tested a hydrogen bomb.

The US used the meeting to call for the “strongest possible measures” on North Korea, as China and Russia argued diplomatic talks were needed to address the crisis.

US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley said Washington will present a new sanctions resolution to the council to be negotiated in the coming days, with a view of voting on it next Monday.

“Only the strongest sanctions will enable us to resolve this problem through diplomacy,” Ms Haley told an emergency council meeting called by the US, Britain, France, Japan and South Korea…

Source: North Korea: Donald Trump would have just four minutes to react to a nuclear attack | Perth Now

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