Saturday, November 13, 2010

Unbelievable, this idiot won a blog prize

I must to an idiot not to do this before.

All I did was write a blog about me being an idiot and I won 1st prize on RedGage. Honestly I thought this was ANOTHER online scam, but I have $25 in a Visa Card. RedGage hold a competition every day for the 'best' blog or article and give $25 to the winner. It need not be new content, as long as it's yours, so you can just upload any of your writings from anywhere.

If a one-armed, one-legged, crippled pensioner with Disphasia [impairment of the power of expression by speech &, writing] can do this, ANYBODY can. 

So come on all of you, start writing, for money.

RedGage is here;   it's free and the thing is you can synchronize all of your social media and blogs.

Further more I am NOT making any money for referring you or anyone....    

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