Monday, January 3, 2011

Try to make money from Twitter?

I have been playing with TweetAttacks for about 6 weeks now and I now have it working very well. It has taken me so long, because firstly, I am an idiot and secondly, I didn't understand Twitter.

When you work out Twitter, it's very easy to use. There are so many ways to Monetize etc it will take some time however to find out what is best for you.

There is a free version that just followers & un-followes, but don't waste your time on that, go for the Pro version, I fully recommended it. You can have [say] 100 accounts with say 200 to 500 followers in no time. All you have to do is be patient and don't rush it like I did. I had a few accounts suspended through being 'too quick' with the un-following. Wait a few days that is all.

There are plenty of instructions with the software and I found the help desk replied to my idiot questions very quickly [6 - 12 hours].

This TweetAttacks Software is The very first twitter marketing software that DOES NOT USE THE API and the only non-api based twitter software that WORKS WITH THE #newtwitter.

I am VERY impressed with it.

You can use my link and you will get a small discount, or you can get it direct [without a discount??]. I don't worry about that. This post is to help anybody, not to get rich. It is your choice. or 
Go to the site and check it out for your self. It works 100% and is reliable & very good.

  • Drive thousands of real human traffic a day even without followers
  • Make money in twitter with or without any followers
  • Build thousands of followers without worrying on API limits
  • Post and schedule thousands of tweets without worrying on API limits
  • Reply on thousands of users looking for your offers on autopilot
  • The very first twitter marketing software that DOES NOT USE THE API
  • The only non-api based twitter software that WORKS WITH THE #newtwitter
  • Protect your account from geting banned
  • With Advance anti spammer filtering
  • Use unlimited number of accounts
  • NO Monthly Fees
  • FREE updates for life
  • The most complete and powerful Twitter Software Available

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