Wednesday, June 27, 2018

In a Hundred Years Australia Debt topped $235 billion. This Government has increased it to $562 billion in a few years. AND they don’t care. @zoeaeleron They want to give the Banks & Big Business MORE! While giving the Battlers NOTHING. Scrapping Penalty Rates, Pensioner Heating Allowance etc, etc


For over a Hundred Years Australia Debt reached $235 billion. This Government has increased it to $562 billion. AND they don’t care, at all. @zoeaeleron They want to give the Banks & Big Business MORE!

They are looking after their ‘mates’, the Banks and Big Business.

They have scrapped the Penalty Rates. Stopped Pensioners getting Heating Allowance. Stopped Funding to Hospitals and more…

DON’T FORGET; Barnaby Joyce and Malcolm Turnbull voted against the Banking Royal Commission 23 times. @fitzhunter

Screenshot from 2018-06-27 18-43-11.png

Barnaby Joyce and Malcolm Turnbull voted against the Banking Royal Commission 23 times.

These two claim to be the champions of regional Australia – but today the confirmed what everyone knew- big banks are unfairly driving farmers off their land- these two knew it too, but voted against the royal commission over 20 times- why not report this?

Queensland cattle farmer Elizabeth Handley – having suffered fire, flood and drought – asked ANZ to postpone a mediation meeting because she’d received adverse biopsies and, shortly after, would be diagnosed with cancer. ANZ declined…

Your child is being eaten by a camel. 🙀 Do you:  A) Save your child. OR  B) Take a photo. Via; @_youhadonejob1

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Kwinana Freeway closed after multi-vehicle crash leaves motorist trapped under truck

Motorists are being warned of severe delays on the Kwinana Freeway in both directions after a car was crushed by a truck in a crash that left at least one motorist trapped.

Emergency services are at the scene of the crash in Success, which involved three cars and a truck.The Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) said one person had been trapped in a car under the truck, but had since been freed.The condition of the truck driver is not known…

The freeway is closed northbound at Rowley Road in Success and Main Roads said there were significant delays in both directions.

Source: Kwinana Freeway closed after multi-vehicle crash leaves motorist trapped under truck – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Big four banks face mounting pressure to lift interest rates

Interest rate sign outside bankAustralia’s largest banks may be forced to impose “out of cycle” mortgage rate hikes as global interest rates push higher.

There is speculation they cannot afford the political fallout of raising interest rates while the banking royal commission is underway.

But JP Morgan’s chief economist Sally Auld disagrees with the argument that the political cost would be “too high” for the big four banks.

Why the RBA can’t move

Some economists see the Reserve Bank hiking interest rates before the end of the year. Ian Verrender reckons they’re dreaming.
“What that [view] ignores is the fact that they’re businesses with a clear commercial imperative, at the end of the day, they care about their margins and preserving it,” she said.

via Big four banks face mounting pressure to lift interest rates – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Dramatic CCTV video shows prison officers beating inmates in WA jails

Stark footage of WA prison staff using excessive force on inmates has been released by the Corruption and Crime Commission (CCC) as part of a damning series of reports about serious misconduct in prisons.The CCC said unreasonable force was used against prisoners in several incidents at jails in 2016 and 2017.

Dramatic vision from three such incidents has been released, two of them involving the use of chemical agents on prisoners at Eastern Goldfields prison in 2017.

Capsicum spray used on inmates In the first, on May 4, a guard was dealing with a 51-year-old minimum security prisoner who took hold of a door handle and would not let go.Within nine seconds of the prisoner holding the door handle, the officer “requested chemical agent from his colleague” and used it almost immediately.

The Commission said the use of the capsicum spray was not in line with Department of Justice policies and there was an “unacceptable risk of hydraulic eye damage”.The officer had placed his colleagues at risk, the CCC said, although evidence from other officers suggested the prisoner presented no threat.The officer’s own report did not explain why he deployed the agent.

Source: Dramatic CCTV video shows prison officers beating inmates in WA jails – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

These two claim to be the champions of regional Australia @teakingw – but today the #bankingRC confirmed what everyone knew- big banks are unfairly driving farmers off their land- these two knew it too, but voted against the royal commission over 20 times- why not report this? #abc730


These two claim to be the champions of regional Australia – but today the confirmed what everyone knew- big banks are unfairly driving farmers off their land- these two knew it too, but voted against the royal commission over 20 times- why not report this?